Analysis of the new Plan

Read our analysis of the new Plan HERE on July 13!

ARCC Recommends:

Public Safety requires that all State Park Plans include:


All plans must explicitly follow fire safety recommendations of CalFire, County and Local fire agencies.


Traffic must NOT be increased on any evacuation routes (for ASRA, this includes Highways 49 & 193) unless mitigation provides additional, equivalent evacuation routes.


Plans must acknowledge that California rivers with cold, strong currents (for ASRA, this means the North Fork of the American River) present a drowning hazard. No increase in facilities that attracts novices to such a river without effective supervision can be allowed. This limitation does NOT apply to licensed activities such as rafting or use of the river by properly equipped and experienced persons such as kayakers.


No expansion can be allowed unless staffing for vegetation maintenance for fuel reduction is fully funded for all areas recommended by CalFire. This is essential for fire protection of the adjacent communities neighboring Park lands. Maintenance of existing and future trails and facilities mut also be fully funded.


No expansion can be allowed until staffing for supervision and enforcement (Rangers) is funded to appropriate levels.

Why Expand ASRA?

State Parks’ is tasked with providing more recreation opportunities while meeting four strategic goals. Unfortunately, the goals ignore public safety and hazards such as Fire, Evacuation/Traffic, and Drownings. Read the details below:

SCORP Action Plan

The Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is the state’s strategy for addressing current and future recreation needs. The SCORP and associated research, updated every five years, provide strategies for all public agencies – federal, state, local, and special districts.

In 2017, an action plan (Transformation Action Plan) set forth 30 initiatives that support four strategic goals for improving the state park system:

  1. Protect and enhance natural and cultural resources.
  2. Develop excellent management systems.
  3. Maintain high-quality operations and public service.
  4. Create meaningful connections and relevancy to people.